Sunday, August 16, 2015

Slow week

Seems like there is a lull. It's been a quiet hockey week. posted some stories about our beloved CBJ last Saturday (that I've been kicking myself that I didn't repost them here last week), so for your re-viewing pleasure (if you haven't watched, your viewing pleasure), here is one of the stories, with a video overview from two guys at about the Columbus Blue Jackets.

Since it's a slow week, CBJ wise, I will use this time to talk about a March. No, not the month of March, but the March of the Union Army. The 2nd annual March of the Union Army will happen the evening of October 9th, which just happens to be the opening night game of your.... COLUMBUS BLUUUUUE JACKETS! It's as if the CBJ planned that for us......

Anyway, we will start off at the Patio of the R-Bar around 5:30, and march to the Nationwide Arena. Last year's march was amazing, and this years is looking even better. This is a great way to show your CBJ Pride, march down the Arena District, and maybe even get a picture or two with that great looking bunch in the picture on the March Facebook event page.

Hats off to Kevin Valentin for organizing the march last year, and getting it together this year as well. Thanks also goes to Union Blue, as we've already go 60 commitments to the March, and that number is sure to grow.

Another upcoming event is Cannonfest, which happens this Sunday, August 23rd, at Dicks Last Resort, which is just outside the east enterance of Nationwide Arena. The Union Blue Soliders will have a booth there, and Kevin Valentin and Mark Ruckers will be at the booth. I would help with the booth, but we would like to have people come to the table, and not run away screaming. :)

Last years Cannonfest was a great time, and this years looks to be amazing. The festivities start at 1pm, and I hope to meet some of you there. Depending on how my pictures turn out, I'll post some of them here next week.

(For the record, I'm the guy to the left of Kevin in the March picture on Facebook. I'm between one of the amazing Boone's Goon's guys and Kevin. I don't have a mask, but probably should get one.)

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